So, I know you are disappointed that it's not our boy Milton in the video. But, It sets the stage nicely to highlight the best idea that he ever had: school choice.
There obviously isn't a silver bullet in education, but there is not a more indicative example of the failing system of education than this fact: We have the biggest economy in the world, yet ranked 20th out of 28 industrialized nations in education. Which one is built on free market? Which one looks more like the world?
Tinkering around the edges isn't going to vault us back to the top, but totally rethinking our entire system and building it up based on free market principles through vouchers will give us the best chance (blog from August on education).This video asks the question: What will you do? Well, there is a Governor in Indiana named Mitch Daniels that has decided what to do. And, it is one of the many reasons I believe he should run for President.
Most Aggressive Education Reform Agenda in the Country
Mitch Daniels has the most impressive record of any governor in the U.S. at the moment, but for the first time, he is entering this Legislative Session with majorities in both houses. The main item on his agenda is the most transformative education initiatives in the country, and it is centered on Milton Friedman's idea of vouchers.
Other reforms include:
I know that this post will likely cause a little negative feedback, but I welcome it. Yes, education starts in the home. Yes, I know you think it cannot be that simple. But, the education system at the present is a monopoly. The unions are holding innovation hostage, regulation has made it worse not better, and schools are measured by how many "ribbons' they have. The only method for breaking up a monopoly is through competition. We need to make schools compete for their students. Yes, bad schools, public and private, will fail. But, the good schools will be rewarded. Just like business.
It is their money. It is their future. Why not let them choose it?
Here are some links for your Friday:
In 15 Years, All Tax Revenue Will be Eaten by Entitlements, InterestWe are almost past the point of no return. In 15 years, there will be no tax money for education, research, welfare, defense, etc because of our debt and entitlement obligations. But, hey! At least Obama is serious about it. Maybe he will make a speech and it will be all better. Someone needs to lead.How Much Did it Cost Us to "Create or Save" a Job from Stimulus? Answer: $223,000It is not that the Stimulus didn't create jobs, because it did. It was just a really awful way of doing so. One question: How can you claim a job creation range of 1.3M to 3.5M? That is extremely vague.I'm Not George Bush, Love Me! Ferguson Sums up Obama's Foreign PolicyThis video is fascinating. Even the MSNBC anchors have no response. Even Christopher Hitchens can't understand this President's foreign policy in the Arab world. I guess he really does think he can drop in a make a speech in Cairo and everything is solved. I guess if Gaddafi would have legislated against unions, then Obama might have mentioned his name in the press conference.
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